Welcome to the Travel Cost Calculator! Enter the client's address, on-site hours,
number of technicians, and optionally a hotel rate. Click Calculate
to see distance/time estimates, hotel/per diem costs, and more.
Calculating, please wait...
How This Calculator Works
We use Google Maps APIs to find the nearest office using office_locations.json and calculate driving distance and time to the client site.
If the distance is under 50 miles, we assume technicians commute daily.
If the distance is 50 miles or more, we assume weekly travel (5-day workweek) with hotel stays during the week.
For hotel costs, the number of hotel nights is the total project days minus 1 for the final day, multiplied by the number of technicians.
Per diem is based on first/last day rates and a standard daily rate for the intervening days, determined by the project’s state from our per_diem_rates.json data.
All partial days round up to a full day for calculations.
(e.g., 1.2 days counts as 2 full days).
"Half Mileage" is simply the total mileage divided by 2, often used in our internal processes.
Travel times are expressed in hours, rounded up to the nearest half hour for one-way calculations.